Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why Do They Do It

Why oh why do they do it.

Men who wear high trousers
Tall even average men who wear trousers too short for them
Women who feel the need to show us their thong, why would you do that, now I'm thinking well she must have thrush.
Fat women who wear tops that are far too small for them and as a result display their gunt ( for those of who not familiar with that term it is the space between you gut & your cunt).
Tall men who drive small cars. ( I don't care how much your sports car cost, you look ridiculous)
Socks with Flip Flops
White socks with black shoes/white socks in general
Orange Make-Up
Pj's Outdoors

Sure Lads the list is endless really


NextSeatOver said...

You are a wise woman :-)

The list goes on and on.. what about the lovely lads who insist on wearing their Soccar/GAA jerseys on non-match days.
I don't believe they have nothing else to wear, and I am not interested in what team/county they support.

AND.. they are very moob enhancing!!.. not a good look

Daisy said...

Ya particularly when they wear the jersey coming up on the train on the Saturday, drink, sweat, puke all over it, head to Coppers, don't wash and wear the same jersey for the big match on the Sunday....

Red Leeroy said...

you both disgust me

NextSeatOver said...

Red.. is that because we are cutting a little too close to the bone? You jersey/flip-flop/Penneys PJs/ High waisted trouser wearing small car driver!

Big Hug!